Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Blog About Bloggers

For my very first blog post I am going to share my response to an interview of Trine-Maria Kristensen conducted by Rebecca Blood, in February 2007. This was one of many interviews she did of bloggers talking about blogging. Kristensen has a blog called Hovedetpaabloggen, where she writes about her interests and things that she wants people to read and respond to. She is the founder of Social Square, a small company that helps organizations learn how to use and understand social media.

In the interview Kristensen said that one thing that got her interested in blogs was "the interconnection with people". I liked how she brought this up because I think one of the best things about blogs is that by writing about a specific topic or interest, one can bring a whole group of people together from all over the world, and allow them to share their own input, or opinion. This is a great way to learn and share information that otherwise might not be brought to peoples attention. 

Also brought up in her interview, was that when Kristensen started blogging, she was extremely shy with her posts and was unsure of what to write about This made it hard for her to get into it and she almost gave up, even though she thought it was a great way to connect with people she wouldn’t otherwise be able to. When she tried again the following year, she realized how open and inviting the blogging world really was. So many people were supportive of her ideas that it helped her become less shy where she felt comfortable sending out links to her blog. I’m glad that she brought this up in her interview because as an inexperienced writer starting a new blog, it is almost intimidating. I feel like there are so many other people out there that have way more knowledge about the topics that I would write about, that it’s hard for me to come up with something that people would actually want to read. I think her interview helped me see that regardless of what I write about, there will be people that are interested in reading and commenting about it. Which in the end we may all get a little bit smarter.

Trine-Maria Kristensen’s blog has become so successful that she was able to start a whole new career path from it. She now works full-time with corporate blogging where she does presentations, workshops, and works on projects with both large and small organizations. Her blog even became so recognized that she was contacted by an editor asking her to write a book about them, which was recently published, called Weblogs. I think its great that something that she originally did for fun in her free time has become so life changing for her.

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